Monday, February 9, 2009

Feeling sad....very sad. Because of the things i shld have done but never did.... and being such a self centered idiot... and probably causing someone's grief. Maybe i'm thinking too much or over reacting, but.. I just feel bad about what happened.

This is suppose to be an art blog, but there's no art for this post. Just a reminder for me to be more mindful of the feelings of the ppl around me, or risk hurting the ones i care for...


MaG said...

Don't feel sad, don't feel bad..
That someone is probably reproaching him/herself for causing you to be in such a misery too~
Anyway i'm sure he/she is fine cheer up~! ^^

JoeY said...

Yo!dunno wats e reason caused u feeling sad.. if really tt bad, let the tears clear the mess.
Take a deep breath & smile, avthing gonna be all rite!
Jia yu..kuku! Yosh!