This is what I was wearing this morning to work. A t-shirt, shorts, and a pair of flip flops. Those who know me well enough would know that this is how I dress to work 99% of the working days. Those who don't know what I work as would probably think I'm working odd jobs, or probably still studying, or probably just jobless and slacking around. 'What kind of company would allow their staff to come to work in that sloppy attire huh?', they would think, 'Hmmm, maybe he works in a comic shop as cashier or something. Aiya, must be some low paying odd job la.' But you know what? The freedom to wear whatever I feel like wearing is 1 of the reason why I love what I'm doing. Who needs pants and shirts and ties, and uniforms, in this hot singapore weather. I like to dress like I'm going out to chill with friends. I wouldn't change that, not even if I was offered a salary 100 times higher than what I'm getting now, to go work in a corporate company, or become a sales person. However, if it's only for a week, I might consider....IF IT'S 100 TIMES MY CURRENT PAY. Yep, I'm not working odd jobs. I got a full time job, a working professional.
1 comment:
Q: 'What kind of company would allow their staff to come to work in that sloppy attire huh?'
A: my company lorr lols, but due to strong air-con, i kena wear jeans haha..beside zero office politic, tt is 1 of the reason to keep me stay with them keke.. But hor..if got co. pay me 100 times of my current pay, which wan me to wear skirts , i will go lerrrr. $$$ huh ;P but but maybe only can tahan for 1 month nia wahahaha~~~
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