This one I did for a bi-weeklymini challenge over at Its called the Story tellers, where they give you a title of a novel (existing or otherwise), usually of sci-fi/fantasy genre, and you have to design a cover for it. The title for that round was 'A Gothic Romance'. Font sucks i know... but thats not the point of this competition...

Next, did this as a gift for a good friend's wedding. Most people will think i'm 'uglifying them'... to me drawing caricatures is not about drawing realistic pictures and making people look pretty. Its about capturing the essence of the subject's features and exaggerating it. You can immediately recognise the subject but its not quite them... with a touch humor in it. Oh well, at least they liked it...i hope.

And the last one, I was feeling bored in the office. So i downloaded a set of brush from this guy called
samsonsreaper on and had fun playing around with those cool brushes. This is the result of it... not that good. But it was fun.